SERC – Project Benefits

Project Benefits

SERC will provide the following key environmental and economic benefits:

California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)-approved Resource Adequacy Purchase Agreements (RAPAs):

The project has thus been recognized by both SCE and CPUC as a beneficial and significant addition for grid services in the SCE service area.

  • Uses the innovative EGT® Hybrid Storage technology jointly developed by Wellhead Power Solutions and GE: The EGT® Hybrid Storage technology uniquely provides the following:
    -Greenhouse gas-free operating reserve
    -Flexible capacity without start time
    -Peaking energy for local contingencies
    -Voltage support and primary frequency response without fuel burn
    -Superior transient response
  • Local Reliability Support in the SCE West LA Basin Subarea:
    With the shutdown of San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station and as the retirement of aging coastal plants that use once-through cooling, SERC will provide much -needed generation for local reliability in SCE’s West LA Basin Subarea. This subarea has been specifically identified by the California Independent System Operator as needing local reliability generation and ancillary grid services, and this project was selected by SCE out of over 100 proposals received as part of the SCE’s 2013 Local Capacity Requirements Request for Offers sanctioned by CPUC to address this specific need.
  • Minimized Land Use Impacts:
    SERCis sited in an area zoned Industrial that is partly paved and used for vehicle storage and partly consists of disturbed area that is currently vacant. The site is zoned IG. There are no schools, parks, recreational areas, or other sensitive land uses immediately adjacent to the site. The project is consistent with the applicable local land uses and land use plans.
  • Key Project for Integrating Renewables:
    SERC will provide rapid-response delivery of energy and voltage support services that are essential to provide reliability support and stability to the grid and integrate intermittent renewable energy sources into the electrical grid.
  • Numerous Construction Jobs:
    SERC will provide for a peak of approximately 74 construction jobs over a 12-month construction and commissioning period.
  • Substantial Property Tax Revenue to City of Stanton, Orange County, and Local Schools.